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Seton Hall University

Inside the Core We Celebrate Romero-King Week and a Half

 Rev. Forrest Pritchett

Rev. Forrest Pritchett

 Inside the Core this week we hold the concluding Vigil-on-the-Green in honor of Romero-King week and a half on April 4, the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination. As  the opening event, this one will honor both Saint Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King, Jr. with faculty, administrators and students reading aloud from their writings. It will be held on the tent on the campus green at 12:45 p.m., running until 1:45 p.m. Also, throughout this time, the Icon of the New Martyrs will appear in the little chapel in Immaculate Conception Chapel (to the right as you enter). The original of this image, which depicts recent martyrs from the twentieth and twenty-first century, includes Saint Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King, Jr., depicted together in the lower right of the icon.

At 2 p.m., the Core is happy to support a Catholic Studies event, in the Archbishop John J. Meyers lecture series, a talk given by Myriam Wiljens, Ph.D., "Discerning Ethical Questions in a Synodal Church: an Ecumenical Reflection," held in the Chancellor’s Suite.

At 3:30 p.m., in the Core Center, the Core is sponsoring a talk by Reverend Forrest Pritchett on "MLK and Myths." Though this event will be held in person, there is also a virtual option. Click here to join the Teams meeting.

This will be a wonderful finale to Romero-King Week.

We in the Core are excited to support all these important events during Easter week, when death is swallowed up in resurrection, as we see in the case of the two martyrs we celebrate, who followed Christ’s path of suffering and death for love.

Categories: Arts and Culture, Campus Life